Saturday, May 2, 2015

Making A Game in 7 Days!

Hello world! :D

This is my first time blogging, so hopefully I figure out how to do it right, aha. But anyway, I really want to make a game in 7 days in time to enter for the Stencyl Game Jam 15 and one of the things I realized when working on my other games is that good documentation can go a long way ~ both for figuring out what is wrong, and for figuring out where to go next!

With that in mind, I really want to get into blogging, and figure if I can actually manage to pull together a game within the week it might make a pretty cool story of how it came together.

Thus, without further ado, onto the game!

DAY 1:
My first decision has been to make a platformer. While there are a ton of other really neat genres of games out there, Stencyl is really well suited to platformer making, and I haven't actually gotten a chance to make a platformer with it! So given the time constraint and my interest in learning something new, this seemed like a reasonable way to go. I'll be using the scene editor to place tiles etc, which should make for some fun and interesting levels.

But, I'll also have to make tiles on the art front of things, which isn't ever something I've tackled before! Should definitely be a fun challenge, and hopefully I'll learn a lot.

Anyway, it's time to get working. I always try to start with art to get a feel for what the game will be like, so hopefully I'll be back soon with some of that. Just got out of classes for the semester so I have a ton of time...but I'm also 2 months late to the Game Jam party xD So lot's of lost time to make up for!

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