's really only a couple hours after my first post, but since it passed midnight, I think it's safe to call today Day #2!
And here is some of the art I have so far:
So...yeah! Going with a cutesy/outdoorsy theme I suppose. Nothing to extravagant or out of the ordinary so far, but I'd like to have an exploration feel to the game. So assuming I make multiple levels upon levels, I'd love more of a fantasy twist in future assets!
Got some sketches of the main character down, I think I definitely want to go with something circular in shape. But I really also want to avoid too much of a Kirby-esque feel, so I may make changes. Perhaps I'll go with a blob-ish shape instead like my Adopt a Blob game //shameless plug.
So far, tileset making has been driving me up a wall. Can you see those awful white lines going through?! Everything needs to line up just so, and as simple as things look, this makes it so much more complicated than art I am used to making. Even with grid turned on in Inkscape I still find tilemaking to be awful. I cannot wait to move on to backgrounds, UI and actor assets!
But speaking of awful, before I go here are some reject arts just for fun:
To be fair I've been steeped in engineering influence in the past little while as I finished up studying/taking finals for the semester, so I supposed a little programer art type work is to be expected. But it also goes to show that the most important thing is just to get drawing! It might take a little warming up, but I think the art I've decided to go with should be decent for a game, and will only improve from here on as I get into my creative side, Color choice, repetition of style elements, and attention to detail usually brings out the best in my artwork, so hopefully following those guidelines for myself I'll be able to bring more great stuff soon!
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